Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

hey 9uyz my name is Adill@ putr!, and my n!ck n@me is @d!lla, dilla, putri and the others........
I live in Ikhlas street number 17 Bromo ujung Med@n. my hobbies are SINGING, READING, HANGING OUT, COOKING and SMILING..........................

Do you kn0W mY fr!endS, now I'm fourteen years 0ld, I'm studying in superior class grade n!ne.my favorite colour is PINK.....and I have many friends like in superior class grade nine.....
I'm very happy can to be a student in superior class b'coz all students in superior class crazy and fun( oh sorry not crazy but cleverrrrrr).......

1 komentar:

  1. k' ni putri naq 9-2 tw gx k' lw putri tuw ngidolain kk' x lha... abiz'a kk' tu ud cntik,baex,pinter lge,,,!! stelh kk' pgi dri msen gx da lg juara'' msen'a! miss u ^_^
